Kauri dieback and the threat of its continuing spread are a fact of life, causing a lot of regional tramping tracks to be closed - as a precautionary measure and / or to limit the cost of track upgrade work.

Auckland Council and the Department Of Conservation (DOC) have adopted different track standards to ensure the protection of kauri, leading to DOC upgrading and opening tracks quite quickly, whereas Auckland Council has a very long track upgrade programme ahead, with a much higher proportion of tracks where there is no reopening scheduled for a very long time.

If you don't know for sure whether a track is open or not, check before you go with the relevant authority (links are in our Auckland Area Track Information page)

An important resource for kauri related information is the National Kauri Dieback Programme.

Want to know more about kauri dieback?

All your questions are answered in this plain English, well researched and peer reviewed report. It provides an important summary of current kauri dieback knowledge and was written by Club member Christine Major. 

We must Clean Our Gear after every trip, and during a trip if we are moving between catchments.